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Supporting Local Businesses - The Benefits for Your Community

Supporting Local Businesses - The Benefits for Your Community

Supporting Local Businesses

The Benefits for Your Community 

Supporting local businesses is like giving your community a big group hug! Not only are you showing love to your neighbors and fellow community members, but you're also reaping a whole bunch of benefits. From boosting the local economy to having unique and personalized shopping experiences, the perks of buying local are endless. Let's dive into some of the most exciting benefits of supporting local businesses!

1. Supporting Local Businesses = Supporting Local Jobs!

When you shop at a locally-owned business, you're directly supporting the...

Healthy Hazelnut January Recipes

Healthy Hazelnut January Recipes

Healthy Hazelnut January Recipes


5 Delicious Recipes

January is a time of resolutions and fresh starts, and what better way to kick off the year than with some delicious and healthy recipes that feature one of nature's most nutritious nuts – hazelnuts! Not only do hazelnuts have a rich, buttery flavor that pairs well with sweet and savory dishes, but they are also packed with health benefits. Hazelnuts are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants, making them a great addition to any diet. Here are some healthy hazelnut recipes that...

Navigating Family Life and Running a Family Business

Navigating Family Life and Running a Family Business

Navigating Family Life and Running a Family Business


A Balancing Act

Running a family business can be a delicate balancing act between work and family life. It requires dedication, flexibility, and a lot of communication. When it comes to running a family business, it can be difficult to balance the demands of work with the needs of your family. But for our family, we've found that by working together, we're able to make it all work.

One of the keys to success is clear communication. We make sure...

Our Children and the Future of the Farm

Our Children and the Future of the Farm

 The Next Generation of Farmers

As hazelnut farmers, we know that the future of our farm lies in the hands of the next generation. We take great pride in teaching our children the traditions and techniques of farming, and we are constantly inspired by their enthusiasm and passion for the land.

Our kids are growing up on the farm, and starting from a young age, they have been involved in the day-to-day tasks of running the farm. They have learned how to plant and harvest crops and maintain the land. They have also learned...

13 Things About January You Might Not Have Known

13 Things About January You Might Not Have Known

13 Things About January You Might Not Have Known


About January 

January is the first month of the year and while most of us are familiar with the standard January traditions like making New Year's resolutions and braving the cold weather, there are actually many lesser-known facts and customs associated with this month. Here are thirteen things you might not have known about January:

  1. January is named after the Roman god Janus, who is depicted as having two faces, one looking forward and one looking backward. This...